Find the best Enchiladas at Taqueria del Sol

What are the best Enchiladas at Taqueria del Sol? Read reviews, ratings, and see what customers are saying about the Enchiladas at Taqueria del Sol.

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Beef Brisket Enchiladas With Green Chili

The green chili is pork based and a little spicy - not my favorite. I much prefer these with red chili. Beef brisket is great!

Beef Brisket Enchiladas With Red Chili

This is my favorite thing to get at Taqueria del Sol, and I would go as far as to say this is the best thing...

Chicken Enchiladas With Red Chili

The chicken enchiladas are good but not as good as the brisket in my opinion. The beef chili goes better with brisket.